Our Holiday impact
For our holiday card this year we decided to spread some extra cheer and donate to three charities on behalf of our clients and wider network. Read on to learn about the positive impact our donations have had and explore the amazing work these charities are doing.
Doctors without Borders

Donations to DWB go towards treating people caught in complex crises and chronic healthcare emergencies around the world. As we globally, are facing increased conflicts and emergencies donations seem to be as vital as ever!
Shooting Star

Donations to Shooting Star hospice enable the organization to offer compassionate end-of-life care to individuals and their families and ensure that those facing terminal illnesses receive the utmost care and dignity during their challenging times.
Grow NYC

Grow NYC play a pivotal role in fostering sustainable urban agriculture and environmental education initiatives. These contributions have empowered Grow NYC to create community gardens, educate residents about responsible environmental practices, and promote local, healthy food options, ultimately contributing to a more resilient and vibrant urban ecosystem.