Client quandaries of 2024

It’s always interesting to look back and see the different types of projects we completed in any given year. Having the opportunity to work on a such an incredible range of strategic, as well as ‘business-as-usual’, projects is one of the things the team cherishes most about working at Alpha Agency.

20 December 3 mins

Introducing Alpha Agency – the new name for White Marble Consulting

We are delighted to announce our new name: Alpha Agency—a fresh identity that sets the stage for an exciting future. In September, we were proud to share the news we had joined the Alpha Group, a leading global provider of specialist consulting services for the financial services industry.

12 December < 1 min

When your website leaves the wrong impression

Never underestimate how easy it is for prospective clients to exit your website, especially those who are merely curious. Even people who are motivated and genuinely interested in your products and services will be put off by a clunky experience. Afterall, “if this is what their website is like, how good can their service be?”

13 November 2 mins

How to avoid pitching pitfalls and set yourself up for success

In this episode we are joined by Nick Pilkington, partner at White Marble Consulting (now known as Alpha Agency). Listen to his five factors for success when it comes to pitching.

25 October < 1 min

5 steps to define and articulate your brand

The greatest ambassadors for your brand are your employees. Therefore, it is vital that they have some emotional connection with its vision and objectives, not just your products and services. They must be able to talk about your distinctive value-add with relative ease and confidence. But that is rarely the case.

09 October 4 mins

Crafting your story to sell a solution, not push a product

Sitting through some presentations can feel like watching a slideshow of someone’s holiday photos. Your enthusiasm will never match theirs. It is incredibly difficult to create a set of slides that introduces your company’s brand story and presents the virtues of the product you are selling without them becoming too wordy, long or complicated.

23 September 4 mins

Make your marketing more efficient and cost effective

Where most companies go wrong with their marketing is not being absolutely clear on who their target audience is and not knowing where/how they consume information. What seems like a very simple task is in practice very difficult. How granular do you go?  

21 August 3 mins

How to craft your content strategy

Kirsten Hastings kicks off the new Crafting Content series with 5 steps on how to successfully structure your content plan.

19 July 3 mins

Demystifying diversity

In this episode we are joined by senior executive coach and educator Marie-Laure Humbert and Elisa Magistrali. Join us as we discuss culture, why diversity is about much more than purely physical attributes, and how companies may be doing themselves and their clients a disservice by pursuing a narrow recruitment path.

18 July < 1 min

Supercharge your marketing with personas

Engaging with your audience starts by understanding who they are, what they want and where they will intersect with your content. Personas are an ideal way to build a framework of physical and digital touchpoints that will open up as many opportunities as possible to get your message in front of the right people.

27 March 3 mins