What’s your role at Alpha Agency?    

I head up the content team, which means I work across a huge range of projects: from writing articles, whitepapers, social media and website copy; auditing collateral; messaging; and articulation.


What has been your journey to get here?    

I was a journalist for 10 years before joining Alpha Agency, specialising in financial services. Latterly, I was group editor of three publications – Portfolio Adviser, Expert Investor and International Adviser.


What should people know about you?    

Once an editor, always an editor. I will spot the typo…


Other than your current role, what would your dream job be?       

Frontline journalist. A dangerous occupation, but the opportunity to witness history (even though it usually means seeing humanity at its worst) would be incredible.


If you were stuck on a desert island, what one luxury could you not do without?    

Something to read. Ideally Jane Austen but anything that offers some escapism.


What is your go-to karaoke song?    

Dolly Parton’s classic “9-to-5”