What’s your role at Alpha Agency?
I specialise in Sustainability and Research, sometimes overlapping specialities and sometimes distinct. My work covers a range of client projects from messaging and articulation to regulatory reporting.
I also lead a number of our internal sustainability initiatives, such as our B Corp certification.
What has been your journey to get here?
I have been with the business since 2019, prior to which I worked for a third-party fund distributer in London, and in financial services media in London and New York.
What should people know about you?
I always prefer an in-person meting over a video call!
Other than your current role, what would your dream job be?
Historian / archivist – I studied History and Anthropology as an undergrad
If you were stuck on a desert island, what one luxury could you not do without?
My Kindle
What is your go-to karaoke song?
No one wants to hear me sing!